

"...and that kids, is how I killed the huge sabre toothed tiger with just my bare hands and the sharpened thigh bone of Great Uncle Ned."

Storytelling is one of our oldest forms of communication and artistic expression. From the very beginning stories have been told, adapted and shared. Through the ages storytellers have engaged audiences with sagas, legends, fairy tales, epics and anecdotes. So from Great Uncle Ned's sharpened thigh bone to the present day there will be a place for those that like to spin a yarn and those that love to listen.

My name is Mark Fraser, I am a storyteller.

I write and create my own stories as well as adapting classic folk tales and songs. I travel all over the UK telling stories to children, families, adults and just about anyone who is prepared to listen. I am not always a stick and a stool storyteller, though there is a time and a place for that, I like to leap around, crouch, bend, fall over and stand on my head. Actually that last one seldom happens. I use puppets, props and costume to present my stories, most of which are handmade lending a certain air of fragility as though everything is held together with a thread and a glue gun, which it is, which I love.

I take storytelling performances and workshops to schools, adapting to curriculum requests if required or simply creating stories with pupils and teachers. These stories are then presented as spoken word performances and/or literacy works.

I am a regular at many festivals and shows, from the huge to the small. I love taking my own beautiful Lotus Belle story tent out and about. It is a comfortable space, with rugs, cushions and decoration, to listen to tales of witches, wizards, dragons, fairies, heroes, villains, spookiness and silliness amongst many themes. At other times a roving storyteller is all that is required and I am happy to oblige.

I will also host workshops for those that would like to tell stories. I can advise on delivery, performance and content, encouraging all those that wish to get involved in a story round. Or we simply make a story up on the spot.

At night a different character appears with his tombstone,

Jacob Cracker (decd), a teller of dark, slightly weird and odd tales, a favourite with all ages.

And for those that like to groan, there are shaggy dog stories, old and original. Something you will never forget however hard you try.

I have also been seen at corporate events, libraries, cemeteries, parties, weddings, in pubs, on the street and in gardens taking my unique style of storytelling to all.

The books are all written by me, hand painted by me and produced by me, so frankly they are mine, but they can be yours! See the book page for synopsis and information. To book this fantastic storytelling experience please visit the contact page.

Thank you for visiting me, I look forward to telling you a tale or two. Mark

Mark is part of The Society for Storytelling, World Storytelling Cafe and Equity

Signed Books

£8 each

To order please contact markfraserstoryteller@gmail.com

Contact for Storytelling

email: markfraserstoryteller@gmail.com

Tel: 07812909722

More books will arrive soon.

New stories are always on their way.

Plus workshops, school visits and pop up storytelling.